Johnson & Phung LLCFree Consultation

Introduction to Trademarks

By Staff

A trademark is a legal tool that helps protect a company's brand and its unique identifier, such as its name, symbol, or logo. This can be crucial for businesses to differentiate themselves from their competitors and to establish brand recognition and loyalty with their customers. A trademark can also include sounds, colors, and even shapes, as long as they are used to identify the source of a particular product. It's important to note that trademarks are only applicable to goods, not services. Service marks perform a similar function for services.

Trademarks are usually registered with the appropriate government agency, such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), to give the owner exclusive rights to use the trademark in connection with their goods or services. This helps prevent others from using a similar trademark and reduces the chances of consumer confusion.

Service marks and trademarks serve the same purpose, which is to identify the source of goods or services in the marketplace and to distinguish them from the goods or services of others. The main difference between a trademark and a service mark is that a trademark is used to identify goods, while a service mark is used to identify services.

Trademarks are typically found on products or their packaging, while service marks appear in advertising and other marketing materials for services. For example, a company that provides cleaning services might have a service mark that includes its logo, business name, and tagline, which it uses in its advertisements and on its website.

It's also important to note that the legal protection for trademarks and service marks is the same. Both can be registered with the appropriate government agency, such as the USPTO, to give the owner exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with their goods or services. And, when referring to trademarks, the term "trademark" is often used to encompass both trademarks and service marks.

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